Returning to Silvermoon City!

After around 10 minutes, the petal-like metallic door of the ruins opened slowly. Then, the team took the lift to return to the surface.

"Eh? What's going on? It's actually empty?"

They initially thought that a lot of people would be above the ruins, with the possibility of several from the headquarters of Lu Conglomerate and the September Guild waiting to take revenge on them. That was why when they exited the lift, they were fully equipped and on high alert. However, now that they were out, they were quite surprised that no one was outside — even the people from Nightless City were nowhere to be seen.

It was just an empty space. The bright moon hung in the sky, leaving the area covered only in the shadows of surrounding trees.

"That's odd. Did something happen?"

"Beep, beep…"

Just as everyone was a little stunted from the situation, Feng Luo's communicator started beeping.