Rare Skill, Raging Charge!

"It's 250,000, right? Not a lot. But my game bank doesn't have that many credits at the moment."

As the three players were exchanging glances, Feng Luo was already speaking again.

"How about this? Since this SCV of mine worth more than 1,000,000 crashed into your car, I'll give it to you as compensation. The extra is on me!"

Feng Luo's line of sight turned to the SCV slightly disfigured from the crash. He had just noticed the system message that tools within a certain range of the biohazard crisis plot could not be kept back. Even if he really could not keep it back, it was not too big a problem — to him, the price of a Land Bullet SCV-Type One was just a small portion of the returns of manufacturing an Eye of the Thunder. 

But to "compensate" these three people... how was that possible?