Watermelon Skin’s Determination

"As a sniper being able to inflict lethal damage in every shot, he would definitely be able to slay a Scout with the same level of equipment!" Watermelon Skin said with confidence.

One should know that Watermelon Skin's shooting was not lousy either; he had not been using any skills when shooting these past two days, relying only on his own ability to aim and attack. As a result, his accuracy had indeed greatly improved!

"But what purpose would there be to pull Big Brother Feng out to shut this Scout's mouth up?

"One, Big Brother Feng and I had just fought monsters together for half a day without any relationship building. Who knows if he has already even forgotten who I am since we had only exchanged electronic name cards out of courtesy.

"Two, using others' ability and battle achievements as capital for my own retaliation — could this really earn me a sense of satisfaction?