Deep Sea Octopus Commander (Evolving)

"Tsk, tsk. It's just a weakling in the end! Scared me a bit there!"

Feng Luo, who was standing outside the VIP area, focused his gaze on the unusual building behind the cave with a serious expression while the other players breathed a sigh of relief!

The players initially thought that it was a Commander-grade monster that would turn the tide of the battle or, even worse, completely wipe them out. However, now they found out that it was a Level-35 Commander monster whose HP was only around the 30,000 mark. And now, it was suppressed to the point that it couldn't even fight back! This was a Commander monster that certainly didn't live up to its title!

When long-range players concentrated their firepower to attack, the damage dealt was, naturally, quite considerable. The female Desert Nighthawk Commander above the cave was already covered in injuries. It continued to shriek in agony as its HP bottomed out!