Tycoon Feng Luo

Upon hearing the words of the Light Armor Warrior, the Scout player's initially unhappy tone seemed a little more suppressed. However, with some impatience, he said, "Friend, since you know a way to get up here, why don't you hurry up and tell us?"

"Before that giant Octopus Commander starts attacking us, it's better if we get out of here. With your eyesight, you should know that it will be difficult for us to fight against it from here. It'll probably be fraught with grim possibilities!"

"Oh?" said Feng Luo. After that, he turned around to finally look at the four players from an unknown guild. "I have a way to come up here. That is certainly correct. But even if I tell you how, you won't be able to get down with the same method, so why do I have to tell you about it?"

"How do you know we won't be able to do it? Perhaps we can!"