Battle Against Giant Infected Octopus

"Pew, pew, pew!"

Three white laser energy beams shot towards the quiet black hole form several hundreds of meters in the sky.

Three large Elite Grade Steel Beetles lined up straight, rooted on the platform, like a black fortress.

"Psst, psst, psst!"

Green liquid drew blurry lines in the night sky as they flew towards the hole in the hotel building. Four Elite Spray Beetles stood between the gaps of the three Steel Beetles. They extended their necks and worked hard to spray their corrosive spit at the black hole in the opposite building.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Burning hot C-grade Deflagration Armor-piercing Bullets flew towards the building and created multiple bullet holes in its fortified glass. Wearing his SUV combat uniform and holding the Eye of the Thunder, Feng Luo sat behind the seven combat type beetles, and in front of Feng Luo was an energy shield created by over ten white Energy Beetles.


