True Crisis, Quasi-boss Octopus?


The Eye of the Thunder rang as a Shield-breaking Energy Bullet with rare attributes directly crushed a small octopus with eight tentacles waving around in the air, turning it into blood and pieces of meat.




However, after killing that small octopus, Feng Luo did not have any time to rest. In the short gap between shots, his right hand was already waving the dark red Ghost Weep military knife.


A small octopus with three tentacles wrapped around both of Feng Luo's feet tried to use its other tentacles to wrap his other body parts. With a swing of the 30cm Ghost Weep military knife, Feng Luo slashed at its head, right between its pair of orange eyes. In an instant, the strong force emanating from the tentacles vanished as it spasmed before dropping limply on the ground.
