Rise of the Snipers?

"Da, da, da!"

The wall of the shot had a cluster of bullet holes hit into it by machine gun bullets, and the transparent strengthened face of glass had been shattered, creating spider-shaped crack lines!


A white fireball combo the size of a soccer ball flew in to the ground from outside, setting ablaze a huge area of products, quickly creating a sea of flames!

The other few members of Dan Hen's team and four Veterans Tribe members were then all stuck at the bottom level of a shop by the roadside.

In front of them across the street of over 20 meters long were all sorts of skills, fireballs, ice blades, submachine gun bullets and machine gun bullets sealing a blockade of death.

Whereas behind them was a horde of infected zombies with broken limbs, open stomachs and intestines, blackened blood dripping from their mouths and grey eye sockets shining with bloodthirsting lust, continuously charging at the shop which they were in!