Sniper Showdown (Part 1/2)

On the dark second floor of the building, in a room with a fallen male NPC zombie with a bowl-sized hole in its head, there was a quality Fine Sniper rifle stand of a black matte material beside the window. There was also a player with a golden dragon head insignia on his chest who was changing magazines with familiarity.

As a player who had taken a liking to the Sniper way of playing when he had just

entered the game, Silvermoon Bullethead was really in love with this profession.

Compared with other professions, this profession needed more personal skill, and the

feeling of blasting someone's head after aiming was very satisfying. However, the only flaw was that it was of too low an effectiveness when training.

Even if it were the people of a guild leveling up together as a team, Snipers would often

be seen by others as a burden. Many people were actually unwilling to have Snipers on their team.