The Tyrant Arrives

Silvermoon City West. Past the main entrance of a straight and clean street, and on top of a low-rise coffee shop!

"12 o'clock direction. Distance, 97.5 meters. Height, 38.5 meters. Top left corner of the gray spiral platform!" said Dan Hen lightly as he read the information on the recon meter in his hand.


A gunshot rang in the air.

A searing hot sniper bullet exited the barrel of Eye of the Thunder. It rotated at high speed across around 100 meters, heading straight and accurately towards the direction Dan Hen mentioned.



A Level 45 Elite Grade Forager hiding in a dark corner of the street was struck, and its dark red head was split open. A yellow weak point damage of over 4,000 appeared on top of its head, taking out around half of its HP!