Zombie Horde



The Mutant Tyrant T-001 did not successfully advance like the Giant Octopus Commander from before. As the aura pressure from the Boss Grade monster began to appear, a blue 7.62mm sniper rifle energy bullet had struck its left eye socket.


The B-Grade Shield-breaking Energy Bullet, which was more destructive, directly blew its left greenish-gray eye apart. Additionally, the bullet with an upward angle, followed through and pierced through the bones between its eyes and brain, crushing its confused and chaotic mind to pieces.

Red Lethal Damage was over 5,000.



Immediately after the bullet struck, a magnificent giant sword formed through boiling hot fire energy descended from the sky, striking the head of the Mutant Tyrant, which was already flattened by the energy meteor. After the fiery sword struck, it burst into flames that spread and soon after, engulfed the entire area.