Force Guidance Rate: 100%

As a melee type Commander Grade monster, the Tyrant was much faster than the zombie horde.

Just as the weird dark energy on the zombies gathered towards "Feng Luo's" body, the Tyrant leaped onto the middle of a hovercraft in front of him in the middle of the street.

The strong impact of its landing caused the top of the hovercraft to cave in. At about the same time it landed, its two-meter long dark red claw swung towards "Feng Luo."

"Feng Luo" continued to look blank, but the Ghost Weep military knife in his hand shrouded in dark energy had already been swung towards the claw.

Military knife versus giant claw.


The Tyrant's hard giant claw that could block sniper bullets was cut by the blade of Ghost Weep, which had a Destruction Coefficient of B-grade. A deep wound that reached the bones could be seen.