Bonus Attributes of the Force

Orange, Legendary Grade.

Feng Luo immediately clicked on and opened the detailed attribute list that had information about the Force Skill-Fusion Chip.

After using the chip, the user will be able to improve an existing skill of the user to a 'Force Skill.' The skill's final effect will be determined by the player's Force stat as well as the selected skill's compatibility. (After the fusion, both the original skill as well as the Force Skill will be able to co-exist.)

"So, that's what it is for." Feng Luo understood the use of the Force Skill-Fusion Chip.

To put it more simply, it was a chip that could strengthen an existing skill. It would strengthen the Normal or Rare Grade skill that normally consumed MP or stamina to a Force Skill that consumed the Force. The user would still be able to keep their original skill. With regard to Force Skills, it meant the attached skills on Legendary Grade equipment.