Isolation Zone

When Feng Luo entered the game, he opened his eyes and found that he was lying inside what seemed like a large military tent, his surroundings were incredibly noisy.

"This... Where is this?" Feng Luo crawled out of the tent and looked around, puzzled.

He noticed that there were many other tents just like the one he was in. White flashes of light that signified players coming online kept coming from many of the tents.

"Brother Feng, you're finally online!" The deep voice of Dan Hen appeared. He was seated with a bunch of other players on a grass plain outside a tent.

Dan Hen, Ion Flame, Security Door, Alarm, Ultimate Heavy Armor, Steel Fortress. There were also a few players Feng Luo did not recognize who also had the Veterans Tribe logo pinned on their chest.

"F*ck me! Expert! Idol! You're finally online!"