Skill Enhancement · Martial Arts

It was able to fuse with skills and personal Force Compatibility. Once this Chip was plugged into the personal terminal, Feng Luo could see a series of coefficients out of a 100% that appeared behind the skills he had now.

These coefficients in descending order were:

[Sniper Profession]

Pseudo Environment (70%), Quick Sneak (65%), Rapid Shooting (48%), Vehicle Driving Proficiency (42%), Danger Detection (3%), Ambush (0%), Maximum Shooting (0%).

[Light Armored Warrior Profession]

Battle Will (95%), Enhanced Martial Arts (88%), ..., Raging Charge (72%), ..., Throw (61%)...

According to the attribute introduction by this Chip, the skills advanced to Force Skills had "Compatibility" with players, affecting the power of the skills after their enhancement.