Solo Sniping Operation

Digital Cat would never underestimate 24K's strength just because it did not look like a combat-type pet. She knew that 24K was not your average pet, especially with the expression currently on Big Pineapple's face. His joy and admiration conveyed the message all too clearly.

"24K, that little guy, I also forgot! Captain Feng, your pet sure is invincible."

After hearing Big Pineapple's words, Phoenix, who was on the other building far away also spoke on the channel. "You can actually fly now..." 

Feng Luo laughed and commented, however, his focus was also on 24K.

24K's flying skills had always been dreadful, normally it could only glide a few meters after working hard to flap its tiny wings. Now, it was clearly flying much more stable, probably due to its most recent evolution.