Battle on the Fifth Floor

With the combination of two B grade special bullets, the entire sniping process was complete in less than half a second.

"Incredible!" In the Agent channel, Onishi's voice reached Feng Luo's ears.

Out of the two bullets, the first Heavy Impact Bullet was shot by Onishi, while the second Electromagnetic Explosive Bullet was shot by Feng Luo; they were able to destroy the control instrument within less than one second before the Roaring Dragon Mercenary Group could regain their senses.

The initial plan was to kill the player holding the control instrument, but after they saw that it was held by a Heavy Armored Warrior, they modified the plan.

Feng Luo's attack was very high and used the B grade special bullet that had the ability to one-shot a Light Armored Warrior.

In actuality, facing the Heavy Armored Warrior as the representative of defense in War, one would still be a little powerless.