10 Tyrant T-100s

When the battle at the Silvermoon City base building had finally ended, at the center of the road inside a quarantine area not more than 100 miles away from Silvermoon City, another battle was about to begin!

"Who are you all? What do you want!"

Three NPCs wearing Agent glasses were all stern-faced as they questioned.

Surrounding them were an entire 10 people of more than two-meters tall, with their bodies covered by a thick black coat and with only their pair of greenish-grey eyes revealed!

If Feng Luo and the others were here, they definitely would have been very familiar with this kind of attire, because these people's appearance was the same as that Tyrant T-100 in the Roaring Dragon Mercenary Group base.

10 Tyrant T-100s!

Clearly, this was a very powerful force.