One Shot, Uproar!

"Crap, who's this who'd have a giant snake as a pet?" Big Pineapple's eyes widened when he saw this giant golden snake with a wretched expression, revealing sharp hooked venomous teeth when it opened its mouth, continuously stretching out and withdrawing its bluish-purple forked tongue.

Most players were a little discriminatory against snakes, spiders, scorpions and related pets.

Although there was not much feeling to it once they started killing in battles, raising such pets easily scared teammates, thus this thing was rarely made a pet by anyone.

Let alone the fact that the length of this snake was over 10 meters – even the Desert Rock Lizard with a length of close to four meters had been wrapped up by it and was frantically struggling.

"Old Douche, this pet of yours is really suited to your vibe." The Machine Gunner among the five star players on the other side said smiling.