Jelly Appears!

"F*ck, what is this?" Before discussions about Feng Luo's "Blinded shot" and Big Pineapple's insane defense ended, the new situation attracted the attention of the audience watching the battle.

The momentum was too large. The surface of the entire lake suddenly collapsed, and a giant creature the size of a house appeared.

The three pets that were moving aggressively actually stopped walking together.

Even God Y's Commander Grade Blood Sabertooth Tiger that normally had a domineering and majestic look seemed to be letting out growls that were filled with vigilance.

"Could that be a wild monster of this map? PK maps in the arena do sometimes have buff monsters. You can obtain buffs after killing it."

"No... F*ck, that thing is actually a pet."

Although the players watching the battle did not see any information, it did not take long for them to know that the "Giant water ball" was actually a pet through their vision, an incredibly gigantic pet.