Contest of Eyesight

Due to the encounter with Zi Wei, everyone from the group strengthened their disguise specifically after returning to their rooms.

They had to ensure that they could not be recognized by people who were not acquainted with them.

Even Phoenix took off her red outfit, albeit very unwillingly, and put on the white casual outfit that suited activities in the hotel better.

They had no choice. Feng Luo suspected that the reason Zi Wei recognized them was due to Phoenix's habit of liking red-colored things.

After all, a beautiful woman wearing red was not something you'd see every day in the game.

Nonetheless, though Phoenix changed her outfit this time, even putting on a wig to cover her obvious red hair, she had still made a reservation with Old John for a custom-made unique fiery-red-style female power armor set. Feng Luo still felt that it was a headache. You can't stop a woman from trying to look good.