Submachine Gun - Death Star

Although it was two shots, the manipulator with full HP could have been considered to have been killed in one-shot.

If it were under normal circumstances, someone else might have thought that Onishi was using a sniper rifle.

"F*ck, is it Death Dance? Onishi?" Young Master Xing, who was being protected and standing behind a group of players, immediately shouted after hearing the familiar sound of the gunshots. Young Master Xing had just equipped a pistol and a combat uniform when he heard the shots, after he shouted, his face flushed red in anger.

As the first Legendary Grade submachine gun in War, even he had paid a huge price to obtain it. However, the hilarious end result was that it dropped when he died.

Although due to various reasons, he did not announce it in public, it was quite impossible for Young Master Xing to not feel angry about it.