Escape and Pursuit

The death of the Scout reduced the number of Rebel Army players to only three. Now, the ratio of surviving players on both sides became four to three.

Although Feng Luo's side had one person less, when it came to combat ability, they were definitely stronger than the three on the enemy's side. Naturally, there was no need to mention that the three enemies had already lost the will to fight.

"Tao Zi was also killed by the sniper! Brother Huang, what should we do? The opponent has a Quasi-Boss Grade pet as well as a Sniper who has awakened the Force! There's no way we can win!" Exclaimed the Water Manipulator anxiously as he cast another energy shield over himself after the skill got out of cooldown.

They instantly understood one thing after they saw Feng Luo's level, that the enemy sniper was a player who had awakened the Force. Only players who had awakened the Force could exceed the Level 50 limit.