Spray Beetle vs Quasi-Boss

Feng Luo thought for a brief moment and made a decision. He turned to 24K, who was moving its claws anxiously on his shoulder, and asked, "Can you command these beetles?"

"Squeak, squeak..." 24K quickly nodded its tiny head and relayed a string of messages through the mental link.

Feng Luo saw the "Translation" of the bug language by the system and relaxed. "So you're saying that you can't completely command them. They are not very obedient, and that you can only command those that are closer to you. The minions who are within a 100-meter range..."

Although 24K could not gain complete control, it did not look as if he didn't have a chance.

The valley beneath them was not very big and was a rectangular shape. A 100-meter range would have included around one-third of the beetle group.

If 24K could gain control and fight, the chances of them winning the battle were quite high.

However, 24K then squeaked a few more times, "Squeak, squeak..."