4x Critical Attack, Kill!

"Squeak, squeak..."

More than half of the Bladed Beetles that leaped towards the Cave Spider Queen were swept away by the eight fast-moving limbs the moment they leaped towards it. They were sent flying away and were turned into minced meat when they slammed into the sharp boulder corners.

Despite that, several of the Bladed Beetles succeeded in hooking their dark red tails on the body of the Cave Spider Queen. Using their six limbs that had blade-like claws at the top, the Bladed beetles began crawling up the body of the Cave Spider Queen. Using their scythe-like front limbs, they slashed heavily at the Cave Spider Queen's back and legs.

The Cave Spider Queen let out another high-pitched angry shriek.

While Feng Luo's attack angered it so much that it had ignored the poison attacks of the Spray Beetles so that it could focus on killing Feng Luo, the annoying bugs that were entangling themselves on its body were things that it could not simply ignore.