Commander Grade Combat Beetle

A group of adult Level 35 Mutant Wild Boars were lying lazily on the ground enjoying beams of sunlight shining through the leaves of the primitive jungle.

The Mutant Wild Boars were a lot more muscular than the ones on Earth. In particular, the Wild Boar King in the middle of the group was over five meters in size. Its boar tusks were more like two enlarged spears.


Suddenly, at the edge of the group, a seemingly thinner and weaker Mutant Wild Boar's ears twitched as if it had heard something.


The Mutant Wild Boar's grey eyes opened. It got up from the hot mound that was dug up to help with cooling the ground.

Its front hoofs stomped on the ground a few times. It was probably feeling irritated that it was disturbed from a pleasant dream. After, it moved towards the source of the sound.

As the lowest level and lowest-ranked adult male boar of the group, it was assigned the task of patrolling the outer area.