Level 55 Elite Mech, Arnold!

The absence of the sun made the sky above their heads seem grey and dull. Even the boundless sea beneath their feet seemed to give off a dull ray of light.

This was a place Feng Luo had come to before on the map – Gray Water.

"The Nine-Star Guild is really incredible, they rented a huge warship to go out to sea, just the deposit and the rental fees alone must have exceeded a billion credits." Standing by the window of the Nine-Star Guild allocated room, Big Pineapple looked at the different heavy weapons facilities on the lower deck, the main cannon at the front of the ship, and the missiles displayed at the launchpad, his face filled with amazement. "It feels like this time, it would be a lot more interesting than we thought." With some excitement, he turned his head and told the few people behind him.