Familiar Competition

"This person must be... Miss Phoenix." After greeting Feng Luo, Red Queen scanned the area, missing Digital Cat who was still concentrating on hacking the system and instead stared at Phoenix.

On the surface, there was an interesting scene.

Two women, although they had different occupations, their appearance were similar. But their temperaments were also somewhat different: one was as charming and tempting as a poppy while the other was as elegant as a peony.

They were all wearing red, a red so deep it was like fire.

"Miss Phoenix, it is nice to meet you. When I saw you, it made me think of an acquaintance." Red Queen suddenly opened her mouth after staring at Phoenix for a moment.

Neutron Star and White Crescent's expressions did not change much, but Glazed Ice and Black Panther seemed a little surprised as they gave a look at Red Queen.