Skill Enhancement Chip

Deep underwater, it had brightened. The white light radiating from dozens of prizes illuminated the huge area.

As a Level 50 Quasi-Boss, the loot produced this time were not stingy at all; although most of the things were low-grade Energy Crystals with a low monetary value, there were also a few pieces of equipment and a few types of Rare material.

For a Quasi-Boss, regardless whether it was equipment or material, they definitely had high value. Not to mention that there would be at least one piece of Rare equipment and the quality of Rare material would be good.

However, Feng Luo's focus at the moment was not on these equipment and material. It was on the exceptionally bright orange light in the middle of the bunch of white light.

"Legendary? How's this possible?" Feng Luo suspected if his eyes had seen incorrectly.