Man Eating Flower

A bright moon appeared in the dark night sky.

On the island, a layer of fog seemed to have reappeared under the moonlight.

However, compared to the day where the thick fog significantly impaired one's vision, the fog at night did not seem to affect one's ability to fight.

On the contrary, the light green fog flowed along with the players walking past a forest of dark trees with sharp and leafless branches, with the ground filled with rotten branches, leaves, and mud; creating a very eerie atmosphere.

"That's odd, we've been walking for around a minute after entering this forest. Even with so many people, we haven't encountered one monster... Green Arrow sis, did you discover anything?" Walking beside Feng Luo, Big Pineapple looked around with his alloy shield in hand and asked suspiciously.

The tall and slender female Scout wearing tactical eyewear who was looking around answered, "Nothing yet."