"Dead and Revived" Quasi-BOSS

"Boom, boom..."

The self-destructed rock fragments within a 100-meter range suddenly vibrated vigorously.

The surface of the rocks of varying sizes started to turn yellow, rapidly rolling towards some spot, even flying. Even the remaining rock fragments from the self-destructed rocks on the ground agglomerated towards one spot.

"What's going on?"

"Something's not right, the Quasi-Boss isn't dead!"

The system had not given the message that the Quasi-Boss had been killed, that itself was proof, it was only that many people had not noticed.

Since the Quasi-Boss had self-destructed; in the minds of these high-level players who had killed many Bosses before, they clearly knew that a Boss self-destructing was equivalent to it awaiting its death.

They didn't think that this Quasi-Boss could still be alive after self-destructing.