Deep into Ocean of Flowers

"Sniper!" After hearing Frontline Command's groan and the high damage number popping up above his head, Feng Luo's thought immediately went to the North City Sniper who shot and killed the Scout Beetle earlier with one single shot.

Right now, they were only around 300 meters away from the enemy, but due to the complex forest environment of the area they were in, it was practically impossible to visually identify one's exact position.

The enemy probably pinpointed their location through their voices before firing at them. Without a doubt, this Sniper was an expert player.

Apart from the Sniper, at that time, fiery clouds began to gather in the sky above the group and a few machine-gun bullets also began hitting the tree branches and trunks around them.

"We've achieved our objective. Stop progressing forward and run toward that direction." Feng Luo quickly pointed to a direction and led the way.