Super Crisis

"The corrosion is obviously stronger. However, its effect is still not that effective." However, even if the corrosive ability of the toxin was a lot stronger, where it was able to swiftly corrode a layer of the ground, the toxin that the Commander Grade Jet Beetle spat out had not much effect against this safe box which was containing the Boss level Chip.

It was very evident that this texture had strong resistance against the toxin of the Jet Beetle.

"Call the steel one." However, although the Commander Grade Jet Beetle failed as well, the face of Feng Luo did not have much change.

Instead, he spiritually linked with 24K again as he gave it another command.

This time, the black hole expanded yet again, and it even expanded a lot more times.

Following that, a nearing 4-meters tall, immense and enormous black shadow slowly crawled out from inside.