Poison Snake vs Black Eagle

After five minutes, the North City players had lost over 80% of their long-range profession members and could not do anything but choose to retreat to the other side of the first base because if they did not retreat now, they would be surrounded by the Bladed Beetles and would have to fight them in close-combat.

"Bang! Bang!"

Feng Luo continued firing the Wings of Death and took out two North City players and gained several pieces of battle loot.

After that, he commanded the Bladed Beetles and returned after making it seem like he was giving chase for a moment.

It was natural that he did not let the Bladed Beetles pursue them. While the enemy did not have many long-range attackers left, they still have over a dozen melee combatants. If the Bladed Beetles were to chase after them, it was highly likely the beetles would be wiped out.