Psionic Energy Property "Destroy"

[Based on your Fatal Talent, your Psionic Energy obtained a bonus property called Destroy.]

"Psionic Energy property?"

Feng Luo was stunned again.

Psionic Energy was technically a type of mental power, so could it have properties?

However, if one were to base it on the settings of the game Star Wars, the Force should technically not have properties as well. It should be a type of pure energy force that Jedi warriors manipulate.

On this planet right now, though, he had not met a single Jedi warrior yet. The Force was a common trait among the advanced NPCs as well as an advanced strength that all players could possess in the future!

However, the two types of power that emerged in War were similar to the ones within the story of Resident Evil: Biohazard Crisis and had considerable adjustments made to them.

[Destroy is a Beginner Level Psionic Energy Bonus Property.]