Exasperated Young Master Sun

"F*ck, a Light Armor Warrior versus a Sniper! He should have been able to handle taking down our target, but he did not even last more than five seconds before being killed. He was too f*cking useless!"

While looking at the headshot wound on the Light Armor Warrior's corpse, Young Master Sun grimaced under his white curly hair as if he was suffering from constipation.

One of the September Guild Snipers stared at Long Hair's body before investigating it carefully. After making his observations, he felt a chill creep up his neck and took a deep breath in.

"Our enemy's damage is too high. Based on the evidence left here, one bullet was all it took to pierce through Long Hair's helmet and to kill him."

Another Sniper, who had apparently watched videos on the forum of Feng Luo fighting on the Devil Tri-Horn Island, spoke in a worrying tone.