Pets? Are they needed?

This time, Feng Luo's words caused a huge uproar.

After listening to Paco's words and knowing Feng Luo's identity, most of the September Guild players' faces were showing some fear.

This was very natural because there were a lot of players from the North City and the rebel camp expressing their views on the forum.

Those views indicated that the "Feng Zhi Luoye," who they met on the mission, had an incredible and intimidating attack that was powerful. His attack would even cause people with full rare equipment to be unable to get one shot at him.

Furthermore, on screen, Feng Luo held the suspected "Legendary" sniper gun in his hands, which was obviously leaned forward at an angle toward his enemies. The gunners and the manipulators, who were more vulnerable, definitely felt like the gun's muzzle was an eye that was staring right at them.

At the same time, many also recalled the words Feng Luo said to them just before.