Woman, Who Is This?

The official announcement of the "Wartime" had undoubtedly caused a great stir.

At this moment, the people who were in the follow-up content to the updates on the official website watched the announcement.

They had almost fallen into a moment of incomparable surprise, and they then doubted their own eyes.

Then, after making sure they did not see wrongly, they got into an excitement and even madness.

This degree of madness, after the announcement was released, and although they were unable to enter the game, on the forum, posts regarding Feng Luo were all squeezed out within half an hour.

Popular posts, all transformed into "national evolution, impact on reality, treatment of terminal illness..." and other keywords of the title, were in abundance.

And at the top, it became a post on "National Evolution, Superhumans! Is this an official hype, or is this real?"

It had to be said that the word "superhuman" was attractive to everyone.