Level-70 Commander-Grade Sand Whale

"Drip, drip, drip..."

While a group of people was discussing their own self-created skills, the legendary scouting bracelet on Mu Zi's hand suddenly rang.

"There's a situation! There's a big guy a kilometer away!"

Mu Zi swiftly lowered his head and looked at it. He schooled his face before quickly adjusting his bracelet a little, projecting a transparent screen in the air in front of the crowd.

On the screen, in a position that was a kilometer away from their left side, there was an elliptical yellow circle that was approaching them.

"Good lord, this thing is not easy to deal with. In this area, the average monster level is at least level 65, and a commander-grade monster should be at least level 60!"

Jiao Zong and Boss Meng stopped arguing with each other as they stared at the scouting image on the screen, with their faces a little dignified.