Arrived, Terminal

Of course, if they wanted to build a city here, there would be problems!

The first problem would be the one mentioned by Rose Thorns; exploring a ruin like this will fully require too much capital for the time being!

This was a zone with at least a few thousand square kilometers, 20 times larger than Lu Conglomerate City. Moreover, it has a section on the surface and underground!

More importantly, for players on the current stage, the level of the monsters in this place is simply too high!

A gap of over 20 levels. If they were to forcefully explore this area, the death rate was bound to be frighteningly high!

Moreover, Nightless City Club had too little players. It was impossible for them to succeed in exploring the place. But if they were to hire outsiders like Lu Conglomerate City, the price to pay at their current stage is just too high.