Frantic Escape

The last Light Armored Warrior had given up and hidden away to one side. The Manipulator and Scout players behind him who were initially attacking them were at first a little stunned.

Then, one by one, they hurriedly retreated behind the SUVs.

This could not be completely blamed on them being timid, it was really the two Light Armored Warriors being killed consecutively at once. This made them feel an even greater threat than they did previously!

On their side, the Manipulators and Machine Gunners who were killed were ultimately all vulnerable professions. Furthermore, that Earth Manipulator's forcefield was not full either—it was still acceptable that they were killed by one sniper shot from the opponent!

But now it was two Light Armored Warriors that had been killed.

Moreover, they were Light Armored Warriors who had taken potions and with a lot more than 10,000 health.

In the end, they were still killed by the opponent with one shot!