A Conversation With The Empress Dowager

After Shui Anluo took the little darling's temperature, her arm began to hurt at the thought of the injection in the afternoon. As the little darling was argumentative, she had to hold him during the injection. Otherwise, he would cry and make a fuss. Unfortunately, Chu Ningyi's leg was suffering from an inconvenience so she could not ask him to hold the baby.

During her afternoon break, Shui Anluo stayed with the little baby and lay on the bed while Chu Ningyi did his work on the sofa next to them.

Shui Anluo spoke as she played with her phone, "You don't have to stand guard over there, go do your thing." She does not want to see him at all now.

'I don't know', what had he meant by 'I don't know'?

He had spoken as if she was clinging onto him and refusing to let him go.

Chu Ningyi slowly looked up indifferently before he continued his meeting with the senior management.