Were You The One Who Said Something To Chu Ningyi?

Chu Ningyi's headache increased when he saw the look on her face. He was certain that his former mother-in-law's usage of the word 'guardian' to describe the deeper meaning of his feelings for Shui Anluo had been correct. He was now definitely Shui Anluo's guardian.

"Do you know the kind of responsibilities you'd hold in your hand as a doctor?" Chu Ningyi asked sternly.

"You're saying that anyone with poor results will never be a good doctor, right? Everyone thinks that school results are everything," Shui Anluo said through gritted teeth. Her academic results might be poor but this has no direct relation to her interest in becoming a doctor.

"Your marks are horrible, how do you intend to use what you've learned in real life?" Chu Ningyi was getting angrier.

"Even if my results are bad, I can learn. Senior Brother won't do this to me. He'd look for learning material for me," Shui Anluo was furious and retorted angrily.