Big Brother Chu, Please Help Me Out

Shui Anluo's hand which was holding her phone shook slightly. Her entire being was stuck in a sort of adorably foolish state.

Chu Ningyi was in a pretty good mood. He wanted to see if she would still be in the mood to continue her conversation with Mo Lusu.

Indeed, after Chu Ningyi had made his declaration, Shui Anluo ended the call immediately. Her large eyes overflowed with innocence.

"Director Chu, Big Boss Chu, God Chu, Big Brother Chu, please help me out." Shui Anlu threw the phone away and grabbed Chu Ningyi's arm with both hands. He was a board member in the hospital, he would definitely be able to prevent her from falling into Director Qiao's hands.

Chu Ningyi looked down at her small hands on his arm. They were fair and delicate with a bit of baby fat. The sight of it made one feel the urge to take a bite.