You're Jealous

Chu Ningyi soon relaxed and turned around to face Shui Anluo.

"It's nothing, I'll get Uncle Chu to send you home," Chu Ningyi said and patted Shui Anluo on the shoulder. He then turned around to leave.

Shui Anluo chuckled. "Chu Ningyi, was this fun for you? Just to show me how deep your feelings are for her? You want me to go now that I've seen it, is that right?"

"Shui Anluo, what nonsense are you spouting?" Chu Ningyi's brows froze, he was extremely annoyed.

"Nothing." Once Shui Anluo had said her piece, she took her son and turned to leave. 

Chu Ningyi stared frostily at Shui Anluo as she left. He had already told her that he no longer has any feelings for Yuan Jiayi but Shui Anluo refuses to let it go. This annoyed him.

Chu Ningyi hurried forward and grabbed Shui Anluo's arm before dragging her to the wall.

Shui Anluo was pressed onto the wall. Luckily, only a few people were in the hospital at this hour.