From Mother-In-Law

Shui Anluo stared at the phone when the call ended. She then looked at Qiao Yaruan who was seated next to her and questioned her with a look in her eyes — 'What had that meant?'

Qiao Yaruan looked up at the ceiling, refusing to answer the idiotic question.

Feng Feng got up and gracefully straightened his pajamas. He then looked down to check the time. He believes that he should leave now or he would be the first one to get hit when Eldest Chu arrives.

After all, he really never expected Chu Ningyi to make that call and say those words. Shui Anluo was an idiot and could not comprehend his meaning but that does not mean Feng Feng could not — Eldest Chu has a taboo and yet he was here.

'What a petty man.'

Feng Feng got changed and left immediately after that. As Shui Anluo would have said, it was like running from disaster.