It's Not Good When It's Too Tight

His sudden wave of kisses felt as if he wanted to swallow her whole.

Shui Anluo widened her eyes. Just as he moved his battlefield down to her neck, she suddenly returned to her senses and struggled forcefully. "Chu Ningyi, what're you doing?"

"You!" Chu Ningyi barely found the time to respond to her question.

Shui Anluo spat out a mouthful of blood, momentarily shocked by Director Chu into a speechless state.

"What's going on?" The living room light was suddenly switched on and Qiao Yaruan stepped out in shock. The scene that greeted her, however, made her want to stab herself blind.

Chu Ningyi cursed angrily and quickly grabbed the thin blanket that Shui Anluo had thrown aside, wrapping it around the half-naked Shui Anluo.

Shui Anluo, that was what you would call 'embarrassing'.