Chu Ningyi...

A cold and vicious aura suffused Chu Ningyi's face. He slowly walked in but each step he took seemed like he was walking to a fight to the death.

A peculiar light glimmered in Shui Anluo's large eyes on her dirty face. Her tears glistened in the light as her body trembled like a falling leaf in the autumn wind.

Chu Ningyi strode in and viciously kicked the two men closest to Shui Anluo aside. He then quickly pulled off his half-wet clothes and draped it around Shui Anluo's shoulders, covering her naked body. He placed his hands on her trembling figure and said, "Wait for me." Chu Ningyi's voice was gentle yet it carried a piercing chill.

Chu Ningyi immediately rose to his feet and a somber air engulfed his entire body.

Shui Anjiao suddenly turned and tried to escape but An Fengyang blocked her at the door.

"Who touched her?" Chu Ningyi clenched his fists and all ten fingers let out a clear, cracking noise.