Enjoy The Show If You Don't Feel Cold

"Miss Shui, this way please." The chief said as he led Shui Anluo inside.

Shui Anluo slowly stepped in as the riddle in her heart grew even more complicated.

What was Chu Ningyi doing here?

Even that pig-headed unlicensed taxi driver and Shui Anjiao were here. The pair who had allowed her to strike the lottery.

Shui Anluo followed the chief and walked to Chu Ningyi's side. She looked down and stared at the man whose face was as cold and sharp as ever.

"Director Chu, everything is pretty much clear now." The chief spoke with reverence.

Chu Ningyi looked up and smirked.

Shui Anluo took a step back. The smile on his face seemed too evil and exuded a great deal of confidence. However, there was also the stench of bloodlust in that confidence.

Shui Anluo wanted to back away but Chu Ningyi slowly got to his feet and reached out to grab her hand, stopping her.

Chu Ningyi's hand was very hot.