His 'Negative Integer' Is Exploding Through The Fence!

Shui Anluo ran back to campus. Qiao Yaruan was already asleep but it was still term break so the dorm matron did not reprimand Shui Anluo for coming back so late. Instead, she allowed her to go upstairs.

The earth-shattering knocks woke Qiao Yaruan up.

"Coming, who is it?" Qiao Yaruan asked irritably. They lived in a shared dorm room of four and there were some instances when someone would take the night train and come back in the middle of the night. Therefore, she did not find it strange for someone to knock on the door at this hour.

Qiao Yaruan had only just opened the door when Shui Anluo barged right in. Her massive sniffles clearly described what she had previously endured.

Qiao Yaruan was shaken. She quickly closed the door and turned on the light. "What's all this about?"

"I'm moving out of his house." Shui Anluo was not crying now probably because she had already cried herself out. Her voice was a little hoarse.